Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 5: Apple, the biggest company in the world??

If you said the title of this blog post out loud a decade ago you might have been recommended to a psychiatrist . Because ten years ago apple's shares where $7. But as time has gone by Apple has proved itself as one of the most innovative successful companies in the world. In the S&P 500 Exxon and Apple are neck and neck  from the top spot as the largest company by market capitalization. If apple does get to be the largest company in the world it is predicted that there will be more investors (solidifying the company) and the value of Exxon will deplete. As you can see in the chart Exxon is still #1 but if Apple reaches the 300's its just a matter of time. Apple is getting a hold of the world with its products and their innovations. The move to the top will mean that industrial companies wont be as valuable to the market .

1 comment:

  1. This blog so far looks and reads well.

    Remember to blog on time. Your late post for this week will not get you points when I grade blogs in November.
